Ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock
Ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock

ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock

ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock

If not killed fast enough, it will also inflict it's target with Disease. Uses The Serpent's Apple, a tank buster which inflicts Physical Vulnerability Up.

ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock

Nidhogg's rotation will loop from the beginning until it is pushed to 79%. Horrid Roar (Ground) + Hot Wing OR Hot Tail.Wait until they spawn before dodging the second attack, to bait them away from safe spots.Īfter this, Nidhogg will follow up with more cleaves and AoE damage, and repeat his rotation until he is pushed to 79%. He'll later cast the other "Hot" move while also throwing out Horrid Roar ground AoEs. Hot Wing means that everyone should be dodging under Nidhogg, while Hot Tail means that everyone should be dodging away from a line through the middle of Nidhogg. These attacks do not have AoE markers, so I'd recommend having Nidhogg focus targetted to more easily see what it's casting. So an easy way to find Nidhogg is to face your camera toward the NE corner for the first Cauterize, and face your camera toward the SW corner for the second Cauterize.Īfterwards, he'll cleave and throw out another Deafening Bellow before he begins to cast either Hot Wing or Hot Tail. *Note: In this phase, the first Cauterize will always come from either the North or East side of the arena, and the second will always come from the South or West side of the arena. After the second time, he will land to the ground using Touchdown. Stack in the middle and repeat, as he will do this twice. Make sure that no targeted party members are stacked and that everyone avoids the Divebomb. If you're having trouble finding Nidhogg, you pay attention to his shadow, or read the note below.) Nidhogg will also target 4 players with Horrid Roar. Nidhogg will then dive accross the arena in a straight line from where he his, covering about half the arena. Divebomb Phase:Īfter Nidhogg jumps, stack in the middle to bait Horrid Roar ground AoEs, and look for where Nidhogg is along the arena's walls. After 32 seconds, he will jump and preform his first divebomb phase. This cleave is followed by a Deafening Bellow, and then another cleave. Pull Nidhogg and face him away from the party, as he will cleave shortly after. I'd recommend pulling with a Deployment Tactics Adloqium to prevent damage from his first Deafening Bellow. Failiure to avoid this attack will result in ~12k damage and a stack of Burns, a DoT that ticks for ~ 2.5k. Can be avoided by running anywhere except under the middle of Nidhogg. Hot Tail: AoE damage dealt through the middle of Nidhogg.Failiure to avoid this attack will result in ~12k damage and a stack of Burns, a DoT that ticks for ~ 2.5k. Hot Wing: AoE damage dealt everywhere except for through the middle of Nidhogg.Deafening Bellow: Screech dealing ~6.5k damage to all party members.Touchdown: Nidhogg lands after a divebomb phase, dealing ~4k damage to all party members.Ground AoE also afflicts the player with Hysteria. Horrid Roar: Ground and player marked AoE dealing ~8k damage.Cauterize: Divebomb dealing lethal damage.The Scarlet Whisper: Magical tankbuster, cleave, dealing ~15k damage to it's target.Phase 1: Dragon Phase (100%-80%) Nidhogg's Abilities: The minimum ilvl to enter this fight is i220, but I'd recommend having at the very least an i220 weapon, and having an average item level of i225 before attempting this fight. It can be unlocked by completing the quest Nidhogg's Rage by Alys in Mor Dhona.

#Ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock Patch#

The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage, more commonly called Nidhogg EX, is an Extreme difficulty primal that was added in patch 3.3: Revenge of the Horde.

Ffxiv nidhogg extreme unlock